Tous les podcasts

  • Present your school and way of life 3

    This is an interview between french students and foreigners from Portugal, Italy and Germany. They speak about their habits in their own country.

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  • Present your school and way of life 2

    This is an interview between french students and foreigners from Portugal, Italy and Germany. They speak about their habits in their own country.

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  • Present your school and way of life 1

    This is an interview between french students and foreigners from Portugal, Italy and Germany. They speak about their habits in their own country.

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  • Delta Sport - Spécial E-sport

    Émission spéciale sur le E-sport

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  • Delta Sport - 20 novembre 2023

    L'actu sportive de la semaine !

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  • AEgyptus #25 - La Momification

    Aujourd'hui dans AEgyptus, nous allons parler religion, mort et magie...

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  • La Chronique des Lois #4 L'alcool au travail

    En France, il est autorisé de boire de l'alcool sur son lieu de travail.

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  • Delt'info - 16 novembre 2023

    Voici l'actualité de la semaine

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  • Le Teen Show - 15 novembre 2023

    La Maison des Jeunes de Jaunay-Marigny vous présente son Teen Show !

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  • Delta Show #6

    News, rap et histoire, on finit par un quizz !

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